Mr. Rattapol Sompolwattana, Senior Assistant Vice President of SOLIDWORKS, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited and team arranged annual grand seminar “SOLIDWORKS Innovation Day 2020 by Metro SOLIDWORKS” on October 4, 2019 at MEGA CINEPLEX, MEGA BANGNA. At the event, has launch the latest version of the software “SOLIDWORKS” or “SOLIDWORKS 2020” developed according to customers need under the concept of “Empowering Design Innovation”. Exclusive guests from Dassault Systems SOLIDWORKS had updated the latest technology from DELL EMC and presented the ULTIMATE SOLIDWORKS Workstation.
The RPT Design & Machine Jewel Changi Airport Singapore designers shared the experience and success by using SOLIDWORKS and Mr. Rawit Hanutsaha, Chief Executive Officer of Srichand United Dispensary Co., Ltd., the DJ Podcast, the writer of “Super Productive” built the inspiration at work. There were also many interesting booths such as DELL Workstation, Ultimaker, Triple S, DPG, Fuji Xerox, X3D Technology, WM Simulator, Detekt Design, Thai Toshiba Lighting Co.,Ltd, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and SOLIDWORKS software demo booth which brought new innovations to experience for everyone. Moreover, there were SOLIDWORKS MODEL MANIA BATTLE in the event.
For more information call: 02-089-4145 (Mon-Fri 8.30 – 17.00)
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