MSC won Sustainability Disclosure Award for 4 consecutive years
Mr. Kitti Techataveekijkul, Vice Chairman of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) (on the right) the representative of MSC received “Sustainability Disclosure Acknowledgement” Award for 4 consecutive years. The award reflects the continuous transparent disclosure of sustainability information from Dr.Pipat Yodprudtikan Director Thaipat Institute in the “Sustainability Disclosure Award 2023” at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre on December 21st , 2023.
MSC has always emphasized on corporate sustainability and publishes not only financial information but also covers economic, social, environmental or ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues that benefit to the stakeholders and the response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the goal 12.6: encourage companies, especially large and trans – national companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into the annual report.
The Sustainability Disclosure Award 2023 are divided into 3 categories. The Sustainability Disclosure Award: 40 companies, The Sustainability Disclosure Recognition: 50 companies, and The Sustainability Disclosure Acknowledgement :28 companies. Those are under the Sustainability Disclosure Community (SDC), which currently has 154 members. The awards are promoting organizations to build morale to public disclosure of sustainability information. It also honors all 131 award-winning businesses continued participation in response to the Sustainable Development Goals.
For Information, please contact Miss Keeranard Dechdacho Call: 02-089-4351 Email: [email protected]