02 May 2019
MSC welcomed Faculties and students from Yala Rajabhat University

Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) welcomed over 40 faculty members and students from Computer Science, Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University and provided IT knowledge on current information technology business and processes by focusing on the real workplace environment to enhance the experience and prepare before their graduation.
In the event, Dr. Tanya Wongvanich, Head of Corporate Communication gave warm speech welcome and the “Essential Soft Skills for Graduate Students”. The honor speakers, Mr. Meelarp Sokuma, Digital Transformation Officer, Enterprise Solution Architect shared the knowledge on “Big Data & Analytics”. After the speech, we presented all faculty members and students the MSC Technology Centers Headquarter on May 2, 2019.
For interested institutions that want to visit the company, please contact: Customer Service Center Tel. (662)-089–4242