MSC participated in anti-corruption for the year 2023
Mr. Tavit Charuvajana, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kitti Techataveekijkul, Vice Chairman, management team and employees of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) show the strength on the National Anti-Corruption Day 2023 under the theme “What the FACT?”. MSC committed to doing business with integrity and the highest anti-corruption standards through online channels with the Anti-Corruption Organization (Thailand) or ACT at Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited Headquarter on September 6, 2023.
Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) places a great importance to and is aware of its commitment to combating corruption. To ensure that the operations of the company comply with the corporate governance policy and good business practices. MSC has resolved to announce its intention to the fight against corruption. All employees of the Company participated in overseeing the action of anti-corruption in years 2023 by wearing symbolic clothing to express opposition to corruption and the denial of corruption in all forms.
For Information, please contact Miss Keeranard Dechdacho Call: 02-089-4351 Email: [email protected]