MSC Opportunity Day, Quarter 2/2022
Mr. Suradet Lertthammajak, Executive Director of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company (MSC) on The Opportunity Day, Quarter 2/2565 via online on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at MSC Headquarter.
Mr. Suradet Lertthammajak, Executive Director of MSC presented an overview of the company that has been in the Information Technology Industry for more than 36 years. Pursuit of excellence to serve our clients the best IT Solutions. MSC provides a complete range of innovative and information technology services for stakeholders with sustainable value creation and solid engagement. Focus on enhance people capabilities with innovation culture through knowledge management and organization capability for sustainable growth. Commit to manage the organization according to principles of good governance including promoting participation in social responsibility and environmental protection
The first half of the years, the business profit total revenue were from sales of products and services was 4,377 million baht, an increase of 769 million baht from the same period last year, representing an increase of 21%, and a net profit of 136 million baht, an increase of 51 million baht from the same period last year or 60%. The main income of “MSC” comes from Software Solution 47%, Hardware 21% Supplies 17%, Service 15% respectively.
The company’s business structure is divided into 4 main groups as follows: Digital Printing Solution, Information Security, Infrastructure Solution and Digital Transformation. The short-term business strategy plans are to create a Business Model, adding value on Infrastructure Solution as a service, the Rental Model with monthly payment and the Manage Service that able to detect problems on behalf of customers need with proactive delivering solutions in a timely manner. The medium-term strategic plan is the Digital Transformations by focusing on providing IT services. MSC provides expert IT Consultation on Data Fabric, Cyber Security and Cloud Services Solution that have flexible storage on demand and reduce investment in infrastructure. For the long-term strategic plan, MSC have own intellectual assets, by developed the company’s application (IP) under the name “The Superapp” as a platform for CRM and ERP, as well as “MEGATHINGS” as an IoT system that helps Factory Industry Customers more efficiently and ready to provide full service. Moreover, MSC collaborate with major market partners such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Amazon, Huawei and many other world-class brands.
Furthermore, MSC focus on running a business with social responsibility in various fields which covers Social Dimensions, Environmental and Good Governance. On the 8th of the 8th month, MSC launched “MSC Community”, the new project under the name “Metro Gen” by creating a Metro Working Space on an area of more than 500 square meters with an investment budget of more than 10 million baht create a work environment that supports employee’s creation, innovation and seeking new business solution for sustainable business operations. MSC confidents its business growth and focus on the participation of all stakeholders inside and outside. Including emphasizing the organizational culture that lead the organization forward continuously and sustainably.
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