MSC Opportunity Day 2/2021
Mr. Kitti Techataveekijkul, Vice Chairman and Mr. Aroon Tor-ek-bundit Director Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) on Opportunity Day 2nd Quarter of 2021 via online channel on Wednesday 22 September 2021 at the MSC headquarter.
MSC presented an overview of the company that has been in the technology industry for over 35 years, providing excellent service to customers with the best IT solutions. MSC focuses on innovative services with comprehensive information technology, employee development, strive on personnel development through culture of creativity. MSC conducts corporate in good governance, encourages of corporate social responsibility and environment protection.
MSC has reported the results of the first half of the year as follows: The company had total revenue from sales of goods and services of 3,608 million baht, increased of 79 million baht from the same period last year, representing an increase of 2%. The net profit of 85 million baht, increased from the same period last year by 11 million baht or 14%. The main income of “MSC” comes from the Software solution 41%, Supplies 22%, Hardware 19%, Service 18%, respectively.
The Core business structure is divided into 4 main groups: Digital Transformations Solution, Infrastructure Solution, Digital Printing Solution and Information Security. The short-term business strategy plan is to adjust the business model like New Normal Business to cope with the situation of Covid-19 that occurred in Thailand and focus on providing Intelligence Managed Service. The long-term business goals, MSC has focused on the Business Alliance to look for new businesses, including the development of personnel to have expertise and ready to grow forward with the company under the MSC Academy project which train Hight Potential employees, both Talent and Successor of the organization, in order to grow their careers and become executives of the organization in the future.
MSC focuses on the main solutions of Multi-Cloud Service business, the well-known partnere such as AWS, HUAWEI CLOUD and Microsoft Azure, providing expertise team to support various customer needs. In addition, the company has invested in the cloud business and launched the Metro Cloud service, which is supported from HP Thailand, focusing on small and medium-sized business customers.
- PDPA & SOC Center Business. MSC opened the SOC Center to protect personal information for corporate customers at the end of 2020. Currently, there are more than 10 customers who have been using the service and likely to increase as a Recurring Revenue.
- CRM & ERP business under the brand “The Superapp” that MSC took 3 years to develop in order to help corporate customers at all levels to manage the organization effectively to be able to compete and be ready for changes. MSC Expertise provide advice, design, implementation and system installation. In the future, this business will have higher demands. Therefore, MSC may look for partners to strengthen the business in accordance with its long-term goals.
Moreover, MSC will focus on running a business not only business profit but also attributes importance to social responsibility in various fields which covers Social dimensions, Environmental and good Governance. MSC focus on the participation of all stakeholders inside and outside including emphasizing the organizational culture for employees to lead the organization forward continuously and sustainably.
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