4 April 2019
Metro Systems (MSC) joined “Opportunity Day 2019”

Mr. Kitti Techataveekijkul (3rd from the left), Vice Chairman and Mr. Aroon Tor-Ek-Bundit (3rd from the right), Executive Committee along with the Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) management team presented the company information, 2018 business result and business strategies in 2019 in “Opportunity Day 2019” on April 4, 2019.
In the year 2018, the company had total revenue from sales of goods and services of 7,974 million baht, an increase of 7.8% and net profit of 283 million baht, an increase of 48 million baht or 20.5%. The subsidiary also has total assets of 3,510 million baht, total liabilities of 1,648 million baht and shareholders’ equity of 1,862 million baht. “MSC” revenue structure comprises of 40% software solutions and services, 36% hardware products, and 24% digital printing.
In 2019, the company strategy emphasizes to be IT Leader in 5 areas: 1.Digital Transformation Excellences 2.Product & Service Excellence 3. People Excellence 4. Customer Retention Excellence 5.Collaboration Excellence by adhering to our business principle together with corporate social responsibility under the corporate culture framework (METRO Way) for sustainable growth.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]