Metro Connect arranged HPE Cohesity – The New Era of Next Gen Data Management
Mr. Varuch Rattanatumma, Assistant Vice President, Metro Connect Company Limited (second from left), together with Mr. Songphon Sangmas (first from left), Country Manager, Cohesity Thailand and Mr. Touch Thonjurai (third from left), Storage Sales Specialist, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Thailand arranged “HPE Cohesity – The New Era of Next Gen Data Management” Seminar. Presents the ultimate HPE Cohesity product to support partners with solutions, backup and ransomware protection against cyber threats on Thursday, July 7, 2022 at the Grande Center Point Hotel, Terminal 21.
At the event, Mr. Natthaphon Phonprasertkul (fourth from left), Senior Presales Manager, Metro Connect Company Limited addresses on the topic “Protect your business form ransomware attacks”: How do I provide customer information? Safe from cyber threats by HPE Cohesity. In addition to being honored by lecturers and consulting on Modernized Solutions to meet the needs of modern IT information management, including the adoption of HPE Cohesity in Various use cases such as Ransomware Protection, Intelligent File & Object Store, Backup & Recovery, and Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Data Management.
Metro Connect Co., Ltd. is the official distributor of HPE and COHESITY. Trusted by HPE and Cohesity as part of expanding the market to business partners to meet the needs of various information management. Including consulting and sharing on knowledge and expertise to business partners in order to develop and expand solutions that meet current market needs.
For more information: Call: 02-089-4880 email: [email protected]