On December 25, 2020, Ms.Namkang Karanee the Director and teachers from Kochapueak Anusorn School had visited to bless on Christmas and New Year 2021 and express gratitude Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited for providing support on educational activities, teaching materials including the intelligent classroom project that the company has implemented for the school. Gave warm welcome by Ms. Sumateta Jitsiripol, Vice President of General Administration Group/ Vice President of Corporate Affairs Group/ Corporate Secretary and Ms. Saowalak Phaksuphan Vice President of General Administration Group at Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited Headquarter Office.
For Information, please contact Miss Keeranard Dechdacho Call: 02-089-4351 Email: [email protected] Website : https://www.metrosystems.co.th/ FB : https://www.facebook.com/metrosystemscorp/