IBM Storage Systems

Application Acceleration
IBM Flash Storage is engineered to meet modern high-performance storage requirements: ultra-low latency, cost-effectiveness, operational efficiency, and mission-critical reliability.
IBM FlashCore Technology (7:39)

Grid-scale cloud
A storage solution based on the extreme performance of IBM FlashCore technology is designed for your cloud-scale business clients. Products include IBM FlashSystem A9000, IBM FlashSystem A9000R and IBM XIV.
IBM XIV: Predictable storage in an unpredictable world (0:53)

IBM Storage for Big Data
Enterprises analyze, create and store more data than ever, and being an industry leader requires delivering insights rapidly while managing fast infrastructure growth. Your customers need underlying storage to meet these demands. IBM Spectrum Scale software, IBM Elastic Storage Server and IBM Cloud Object Storage offer flexible, high-performance scalable storage solutions for big data workloads.Tape Storage

|. IBM Spectrum Scale
Offering high-performance, highly scalable software-defined storage (SDS) for unstructured data, IBM Spectrum Scale can deliver to your customers simplified data management and integrated information lifecycle tools that can manage petabytes of data and billions of files. IBM Spectrum Scale helps your clients address the rising cost of managing ever-growing amounts of data.

||. IBM Elastic Storage Server
IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) is a fully integrated storage solution that combines IBM Spectrum Scale SDS with IBM Power servers and commodity storage enclosures (JBODs). It provides your customers with industry-leading performance and the ability to scale quickly and risk free up to exabyte scale in response to their increasing demands for storage capacity.

|||. IBM Cloud Object Storage
IBM Cloud Object Storage provides a cloud-native and secondary storage solution for active archiving, large data repositories and a backup target. In addition, it offers your customers a solution for storing large pools of unstructured data designed for applications that require available, highly scalable, secure and cost-efficient storage.

Business-critical storage
All-flash and hybrid data systems are built for your clients’ mission-critical applications. Products include the IBM DS8000 family.
IBM DS8880 and TS7700 Unleash Power of Data (2:20)

Data protection and retention
Help your clients raise the bar for hybrid cloud data protection and economical tape storage. Products include tape drives and the IBM Spectrum Storage family, IBM Spectrum Archive, IBM Spectrum Protect and ProtecTier.
Balance performance and cost, while satisfying retention requirements – Flash plus Tape (1:56)

Cluster Virtualization
Software-defined computing capability not only redefines the data center, it also optimizes compute and data-intensive workloads for your clients. Products include IBM Spectrum Conductor, IBM Spectrum Symphony and IBM Spectrum LSF.
IBM Spectrum Computing – your competitive advantage (3:14)

Storage and data management
Your clients can experience the power of predictive analytics for storage. Products include IBM Spectrum Control, IBM Spectrum Control Insights and IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management.
Simplify storage, deploy new applications, and control costs with IBM Spectrum Storage (5:07)

Virtualized storage
A variety of virtualization solutions enable your clients to achieve effective, centralized management of storage capabilities. Products include IBM FlashSystem V9000, the IBM Storwize family, IBM Spectrum Virtualize and IBM SAN Volume Controller.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize: Essential Software for Cloud Deployments (4:05)