Business Innovation Group of Metro Systems Corporation Plc together with IBM Thailand and Forrester Research arranged “Accelerating your Journey to AI” Seminar for Japanese Customer and IT Enterprise Customer at The Okura Prestige Bangkok.
Honor by Mr. Koichi Asida, Vice President of Metro Systems Corporation Plc (first form the right) gave a welcome speech. Mr. Frederic Giron, VP Research Director Serving CIO Professionals of Forrester Research (first from the left) presented Application of AI in Foreign Industrial Sectors. Mr. Yongyut Srivantaneeyakul and Mr. Meelarp Sokuma, Principal Consultant from Metro Systems Corporation Plc shared experience in Application of AI in Thai Industry. Mr. Ser Yean Tan, CTO, Cloud & Cognitive Software IBM Asean presented technological approach through IBM Software with the technology to serve the customer’s needs at maximum level. The closing speech by Mr. Chaiwat Likhitchanyakul, Vice President of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited.
For more information, please contact: Ms. Supapan Thuankamjorn Call: 02-089-4938, 089-4466-717 Email: [email protected] website: