05 July 2018
Faculty members brought the 4th years students of Science Computer Science Yala Rajabhat University to visited Metro Systems

Faculty members of Science, Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University brought their 4th years students and officers in total of 23 participants to the study visited at Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited.
In this occasion, Mr.Meelarp Sokuma, Digital Transformation Officer and Business Solution Architect, Mr. Apisak Kongsorn, Senior Technical Consultant Manager and Mr. Kotchapong Chutikanont, Sales Manager form Solutions Integration Group, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited gave honor speech and shared interesting IT knowledge to provide students opportunity to increase their knowledge, skills, experience in basic technology development, especially in the areas of information technology, communication, and IOT development, which will benefit future operations. The faculty members and students also visited the technology centers in Metro Systems Corporation Headquarter on July 5, 2018.